With fragmented availability of resources on illicit firearms trafficking and gun violence, there was a need for intelligence to get a firmer grip on the matter.
Gun violence and illegal firearms trafficking pose a significant and increasingly dangerous threat throughout Europe. Understanding and addressing this challenge requires robust intelligence and coordinated efforts.
We developed novel AI to monitor firearms-related incidents and seizures across Europe in real-time, aggregating existing data from government agencies and news media to deliver up-to-the-minute insights. We collaborate with research partners who have extensive expertise in this area (Flemish Peace Institute, Small Arms Survey, SIPRI, SEESAC, Leiden University, Europol) to produce detailed, disaggregated data for policy makers and law enforcement agencies.
Our work is helping to increase understanding of firearms trafficking and violence in the EU, leading to more informed policy decisions and targeted interventions. By enhancing intelligence capabilities, we are equipping those on the ground with new tools to respond effectively to these threats.